Friday, February 13, 2015

Switched blogs

Just so you know if anyone still checks in here. I have a new blog and have had for a while. Check it out here

Friday, June 27, 2014

This Week So Far

Hey all,
Haven't been on, but I have still been training. Been doing Down and Up Mass by Jim Stoppani because I wanted to get some more volume in. Here are the logs from the last 3 workouts. I will be hitting the gym tonight to get legs in.

Tuesday - This was a great workout. I don't remember this being as hard the first time I went through it. I was sore that day which is not a norm for me. The volume felt great and each set was a rest-pause drop set. This is why it looks like 2 full sets and 2 partial sets.

Wednesday - Killed back this day. Hit it from so many angles that every time I had to pull myself up at work my back cramped up pretty good.

 Thursday - Shoulder Day. I was concerned about going to heavy with my one shoulder having some pain when pressing above my head but it went pretty well. Also, I didn't use the smith machine for my Barbell Shoulder Press.

I am really enjoying the extra volume so I am going to keep going at this. I have legs tonight and then starting on Sunday I will be using pre-exhaustion techniques instead of the rest-pause drop sets. As always feel free to contact me with questions and to find this program and many more go to 14 day free trial and free membership to military members who sign up with a .mil email address.

God Bless and Get Big


Sunday, June 22, 2014

June 20 & 22, 2014 Training Logs

Hey all,
Here is the training logs for this past Friday and This morning. Great challenging workouts.

Friday was a heavy squat day. It felt good pushing heavier weight. I had set out to keep all rest periods to 60 seconds but due to allergy congestion it happened to be around 90 seconds on most sets. This workout includes me doing 8 reps with 315 lbs. The last two reps were grinders made me work for every inch. The last set of lunges I went until I couldn't continue and then dropped the weight to finish the set. Then the last set was supposed to be doing 50 reps with 135 lbs without racking the bar. I only made 45 reps and it took all that I had to make it there. Afterwards, I kicked myself because I missed it by 5 reps. This is something I will continue to try and improve on. I warmed up with squats and the bar and doing five 10 second pauses in the hole to stretch out. Followed by 135 lbs with two 5 second pauses and then repping out 8 reps. I went up quarter/plate until 225 lbs then I went up to 315 lbs for the start of my working sets.

This morning I got to the gym and decided that I wanted to do a higher volume overall than what I had been doing  so I modified what I was supposed to do by adding in 2 extra shoulder exercises, 1 extra biceps exercise, 1 extra triceps exercise. I warmed up with some bar weight shoulder presses and stretching. All rest periods were 60 seconds. The only thing not in my logs is at the end of the bench dips I dropped the weight and repped out with body weight until failure.

So after today's workout I have decided to stop the program I am on due to the fact that I don't feel like I am getting enough overall volume. I am still going for a power lifting goal of increasing my Bench, Squat, and Deadlift but I am going to use the program that I started the year off with and that is Down and Up Mass by Jim Stoppani. I saw great growth in my legs and overall strength during this program. Remember, feel free to ask me questions and let me know if you like the picture logs or when I type them out.

God Bless and Get Swole


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Training Logs for June 17-19, 2014

Hey all,

Going to have three of these logs inside this post because I did not take the time to write them down. The past three days of training have been really good. Let us not beat around the bush and get to it.

Tuesday the 17th was heavy dead lift day. It felt really good and boosted my motivation towards the Cube Method that I am following.

Warm up
Stability Routine from my previous log here.

4" Block Pulls
135lbs X 10 Reps
185lbs X 7 Reps
225lbs X 5 Reps
275lbs X 5 Reps

Working Sets
4" Block Pulls (Approximately 90 secs rest)
385lbs X 2 Reps for 5 Sets

Snatch Grip Dead lifts(60 second rest the rest of the workout, These kicked my butt good)
285lbs X 8 Reps for 2 Sets

Dumbbell One Arm Rows
70lbs X 12 Reps
70lbs X 11 Reps
70lbs X 10 Reps

Dumbbell Shrug
70lbs X 20 Reps
70lbs X 20 Reps

Like I said it was a really good workout...short and sweet.

Wednesday the 18th was bench press repetition day. Another good day and on my accessory exercises I was trying to ensure to contract the muscle targeted before moving the weight

Warm up
Internal/External Rotation
20lbs dumbbells 15 reps for 2 sets

Floor Press
Bar only X 40 Reps
135lbs X 8 Reps
185lbs X 5 Reps

Working Sets
Floor Press
205lbs X 3 Reps for 8 sets

Dumbbell Incline Bench Press
50lbs X 18 Reps
60lbs X 15 Reps
60lbx X 12 Reps

Cable Triceps Push-down
50lbs X 100 Reps

Dumbbell Standing Shoulder Press
30lbs X 10 Reps for 3 sets

Machine Fly (Really focused on contracting the muscle here. Did much better on the second set)
13 X 16 Reps
13 X 12 Reps
13 X 15 Reps

I had a pretty good pump at the end of this workout in my chest and my triceps. The focused contractions help a lot with the pump.

Today was a new routine for me and isn't part of the Cube Method. This is a circuit style workout called a barbell complex that is designed to tax the entire body and to increase fat burning capabilities. I got this idea from Vince Del Monte. Try it out if you would like. It is a kick butt routine that will push you if you push yourself.

Warm up
From my stablility workout
Half lunge into a knee to chest stretch with toe raise 5 times each leg
Half lunge into a glute hip stretch optional toe raise 5 times each leg
Half lunge into a standing opposite arm quad stretch 5 times each leg
Half lunge with torso twist (twist both directions each lunge) 5 times each leg
Working Sets
20 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible, No Rest) 
Start with 45lbs to 65lbs barbell (I did just the 45lbs barbell)
10 Reps Each in one Giant Set (repeat until time)
Standing Military Press
Front Squats
Bent Over Rows
Romanian Dead Lifts
Back Squats

I made 7 rounds even. After this workout, I was drenched in sweat, completely exhausted, but I felt really good. Next week I am going to try and beat 7 rounds and then the following week I will move the weight up to 55lbs or 65lbs.

Any questions hit me up!

God Bless and Get Big

Monday, June 16, 2014

Weekend Training Logs

Hey all,

So this weekend was a good weekend. Friday night was the power-lifting team and it was only me and Dustin the guy who organized the team. It was a good time though going over mobility and stability work. I learned a short routine that I can use as a warmup or as a standalone mini workout. This is the stability routine

Half lunge into a knee to chest stretch with toe raise 5 times each leg
Half lunge into a glute hip stretch optional toe raise 5 times each leg
Half lunge into a standing opposite arm quad stretch 5 times each leg
Half lunge with torso twist (twist both directions each lunge) 5 times each leg
Worlds greatest stretch 3 times each leg
High knee walking stretch 20 steps
Frankenstein walking stretch 20 steps
Shuffle step with trailing leg explosion 10 iterations each leg
Cross step shuffle with trailing leg explosion 10 iterations each leg
Stabilization 12inch box jumps (Standing jump onto box with pause and step off the box)
1 leg forward stabilization 12inch box jumps (I couldn't do 12 inches so on level surface) 3 reps/leg
1 leg Side stabilization 12inch box jumps (I couldn't do 12 inches so on level surface) 3 reps/leg

Saturday was a rest day, so on Sunday morning it was repetition/weakness training. It was a really good workout and I added to it at the end to give me a little bit more work.

Warm up
The above Stability Routine

Dumbbell internal/external rotation 
15lbs X 10 reps X 2 sets

Smith Machine Military Press
Bar Weight x 30 Reps
20lbs x 20 reps

Working Sets
Smith Machine Military Press (Still working with shoulder)
70lbs X 12 reps
70lbs X 12 reps
70lbs X 13 reps

EZ Bar Curl
65lbs X 12 reps
70lbs X 10 reps
70lbs X 10 reps
70lbs X 10 reps

Calf Press On Leg Press
290lbs X 20 reps
360lbs X 20 reps
360lbs X 20 reps

Walking Lunges (These kick my butt so I am going to incorporate them more)
8 reps each leg
8 reps each leg
8 reps each leg
8 reps each leg

Dumbbell Lateral Raise
15lbs X 10 reps
20lbs X 10 reps
25lbs X 10 reps
20lbs X 10 reps
20lbs X 10 reps

Pullups (Assisted weight so at 240lbs of resistance)
6 reps
7 reps
6 reps

Farmer's Walk (Weight is per hand)
80lbs X 36 steps
80lbs X 36 steps
80lbs X 36 steps
80lbs X 36 steps

This day felt really good. Had a great relaxing and restful day that followed. Looking forward to seeing more growth and more results. Any questions feel free to ask.

God Bless and Pick Stuff Up


Friday, June 13, 2014

Training Logs for June 12 & 13 2014

Hey all,

So I spaced off writing my logs for yesterday. I have been writing them on my lunch break and I was kinda busy and didn't do it. So here are the logs for yesterday and today.

Yesterday I did bench press repetition work. It was good and quick.

Warm up
Dumbbell Internal/External Rotation
3 sets of 15 reps with 20lbs

Incline Bench Press
bar only X 30 reps
95lbs X 12 reps
135lbs X 10 reps

Working Sets
Incline Bench Press
190lbs X 8 reps

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
40lbs X 20 reps
40lbs X 20 reps

Barbell Close Grip Bench Press
155lbs X 12 reps
155lbs X 12 reps
155lbs X 12 reps

Machine Fly (Machine doesn't have weight just numbered plates)
13 plates X 15 reps
13 plates X 15 reps
13 plates X 15 reps

Cable Triceps Push Down
50lbs X 100 reps

Smith Machine Shoulder Press (Still going light trying to rehab my shoulder)
50lbs X 12 reps
50lbs X 12 reps
50lbs X 12 reps

Today's Workout was Heavy Squat Day It felt good under the bar today. Looking forward to seeing some new growth with new exercises and pushing harder.

Warm Up
Barbell Squat
Bar only 5 10 second Pause reps for stretching
135lbs X 10 reps (first 2 5 second pause reps, last 8 repping it out)
185lbs X 5 reps
225lbs X 5 reps
315lbs X 3 reps

Working Sets
Barbell Squat
365lbs X 2 reps
365lbs X 2 reps
365lbs X 2 reps
365lbs X 2 reps
365lbs X 2 reps

Barbell Good Mornings (first time doing this one so weight is a little light)
95lbs X 10 reps
115lbs X 9 reps
115lbs X 9 reps

Leg Press
290lbs X 28 reps
380lbs X 21 reps
380lbs X 21 reps

Dumbbell Lunges (I hate these but that just means I am going to do them more, weight is dumbell each hand)
25lbs X 12 rps
25lbs X 12 reps
25lbs X 12 reps

Hyper-extensions- Back Extensions
1 set of 60 reps (still didn't make it straight through but getting better)

Seated Leg Curls
100lbs X 50 reps
100lbs X 50 reps

That was it but trust me it was a killer workout. I am loving pushing it hard and like I said I cannot wait to see the strength and muscle gains. Gotta keep pushing and striving to be better that I was yesterday.

I am also still seeing aesthetic improvements. My wife helped me take measurements last night which is something I haven't done since January. Not great changes but progress and I am happy with it. Like always you can send me questions if  you have any. Check out my body space Here if you want to. I still need to update my progress picture.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Training Logs for June 10, 2014

Hey all,

Yesterday was yet again a rest day until evening when I went to Taekwondo practice. It was a really good night and I am seeing great improvement in my mobility and flexibility. Still have a long ways to go though.

Today started week 2 of the Cube Method. Today's workout was explosive work for deadlifts. I enjoyed it immensely while getting my butt kicked. I did notice that while doing the explosive reps I was not focused on my form as well as I should have. I will make sure to correct that for future training sessions. On to today's workout.

135lbs x 10 reps
185lbs x 5 reps
225lbs x 3 reps

Working sets
Deadlifts (explosive 15 second rest periods)
285lbs x 3 reps x 8 sets

4" Block Pulls with Snatch Grip (These Kicked my butt!!)
245lbs x 12 reps
245lbs x 12 reps
245lbs x 12 reps

Safety Bar Squat
225lbs x 8 reps
225lbs x 8 reps
225lbs x 8 reps 

Barbell Shrug (Make sure to squeeze)
225lbs x 12 reps
225lbs x 12 reps
225lbs x 12 reps

Back Hypertensions (I cannot do a straight set so I do 10 second rests before continuing. I will make it through eventually)
1 set of 50 reps

Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs (Nice Slow Reps Under Complete Control)
150lbs x 15 reps
150lbs x 15 reps
150lbs x 15 reps
150lbs x 15 reps

At the end of this workout I was completely exhausted and drenched in sweat. Like I said I really enjoyed this workout because it was a challenge. It will make me stronger. Tomorrow is Rep work on Bench Press.....Exciting

God Bless and Rip It Off The Floor
