Monday, February 13, 2012


I know that if you have read my lasts posts it looks like I started and gave up more than once. Yes it looks like I am I the habit of quitting before I really get started; however, it would only be quitting if I were to not come back to start again. A man who falls and stays down has quit, but the man who gets up is a winner who just has not arrived.
Purpose is the title of this post because I believe that we must have a purpose in order to successful in our adventures and our goals. A goal without a purpose or vision is just a well defined wish.
So what is my purpose? What is my drive? That is something that has been evolving in my life this year. I have been listening to the leaders in my life speak about destiny and every time my spirit stirred with passion for knowing my destiny. I have discovered that you can not know your full destiny at the beginning of your journey because if you do then you seek your own way to get to the end of the destination. We were not made to do it ourselves, by our own means, to our own satisfaction. We were made to work though our own seasons, relying on God to guide us and to change us to become the best person we can be. We were born for relationship with God and to be the best us that we can be in this time!
So what does this have to do with my weight loss goals? It is at the heart of my goals because without understanding it I would be seeking my own satisfaction. That means I would be sitting on my couch watching tv instead of improving, because my comfort zone is to not care and to just cruise through life. I fully understand that I was made for more than that and that to be the best me that I can be means I need to be healthy.
So what am I doing now? Still using my xbox to workout but I have changed when I am doing it. Before I was working out in the evenings as time permitted. This didn't work out because I was not intentional enough to do it. This morning I was up one hour before my normal time for the sole purpose of working out. I feel great and ready to conquer the day. I also have been tracking my caloric interest for about a week to get used to monitoring what I have been eating. Together these along with my daily time with God gives me an intentional purpose for weight loss. More to come.
God bless