So how does day #1 start. FAIL. So I set the alarm for 4:45 and decide that it is the perfect time to get up and start my first day of running. Well at 6:00 when I woke up, I had the realization the 4:45 pm was going to do me no good. So the problem will be corrected and tomorrow will be the first day of running.
Well the rest of the day was pretty busy with work and leadership. I did manage to eat 3 meals: Breakfast = bowl of cereal (generic capt crunch) in 2%. Lunch = Chicken & Cheese enchiladas with bell pepper Dinner = BRCC (Bean, Rice, Chicken, Cheese) Burritos.
So I can definitely eat better but I think quantity here was a little much. i.e. 1 serving of cereal would have been better than 2, lunch ok, dinner was 3 should have been about 1.5
No soda today but I did have some raspberry tea, sweet tea and coffee. I know water belongs in there some where just didn't make it today.
So if you are out there, it is still early on in the quest. I will make it to the goal. Keep the faith.
Side note: I did take my daily vitamins because my lovely wife reminded me too. Thank you darling.