Friday, January 10, 2014

Personal PowerLifting Meet

Hi all,
Sorry it's been a while but I have kept to my goals..... I am a week late on my personal meet but I did it this morning. I am excited to say that I made significant progress and am totally happy with my results.

So back in November I tested my lifts and set goals based on those lifts. So I tested then with my Squat at 355lbs, bench at 285lbs, and deadlift at 475lbs with a total of 1115lbs and that was on November 10, 2013. At that time I set goals at Squat 425lbs, bench 350lbs, and deadlift 525lbs for a total of 1300lbs.

Today I was feeling pretty good when I arrived at the gym. I  started of with some light warm up and then got down to it following the same programs as I did back in November. On Squat I hit 415lbs, bench I hit 325lbs, and deadlift I hit 505lbs for a total of 1245lbs.

I  am completely excited about it and am looking forward to reaching for my next goals. I have to thank Muscle Pharm President Cory Gregory for the motivation and the advice of ensuring you are chasing the goals that you want and not chasing goals that don't fit with what you want. I also have to thank Jim Stoppani for his information, motivation, and Pre JYM.

So my next goal is to lean out while gaining strength. I want to shoot for the 10% body fat now. I have again entered the 100K Transformation Challenge from I am going to follow a program called Down and Up Mass by Jim Stoppani. I am going to follow the eating plan of his Shortcut to Shred program while incorporating cardio acceleration. I am going to be using Pre JYM before and after my workouts adding Muscle Pharm Glutamine to my post workout. I am going to also be using Muscle Pharm Combat and Shred Matrix.

Thank you all for your support. I look forward to updating on my journey.

God Bless

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