Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Quest for 220

So I have gotten sick and tired of being tired. Tired of finding out my clothes are too snug and soon to be too small. I am at ends with buying bigger clothes and I do want to buy more clothes but I prefer them to be smaller than the current set. I have come to the realization that my lack of quality sleep, my daily motivation, and some of my self-image are caused by my weight. I am a 32 year old former Marine who currently weighs 280 lbs. My ideal Marine Corps weight was 196; however, I always fought with that weight when I was in the best shape of my life so I don't feel that as a realistic goal. I choose 220 lbs. this means 60 of my current lbs. has to disappear.

So What is my plan of attack? Well I was going to make a small blog about running. I loved to run back in the day, but my physical body did not. So I am going to go with a "Quest for 220" I am going to start running tomorrow. I am going to pay closer attention to what I am putting into my gut. I am going to do what I have to reach my goal.

So Why am I writing about it? Well I have been saying I am going to start running for about 3 weeks now. Have I? Nope. I have a co-worker who is trying to keep me to my want to run by asking me everyday if I went. So I feel that if He can do this, I can rely on you to do this too. This is part of my accountability to my Quest. I cannot guarantee a post everyday but I will keep up with this quest.

So one other note, if my running legs keep good on the ability to run. I also have a goal to run in a local half marathon in November.

So keep checking in, Comment if you want I welcome it.

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