Sunday, May 16, 2010

Back into the game

Well It has been a while but I have not given up on my goal. I had a small hiatus but that has now been resolved. I just got done swimming laps in the pool. Right now it is warm enough to be swimming after work in the evenings. Soon it will be warm enough to swim both before and after work.

Right now I think in the mornings I am going to start with core exercises using plank work outs. The plank position, of course, is where you are in a push up position but instead of being on your hands you are resting on your elbows, with your elbows directly underneath your shoulders. Just holding that position with your back straight is a work out. Then you work on balance and strengthening your core muscles by lifting different limbs individually or together as opposite foot/hand combinations.

I plan on swimming after work on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I should be in the pool quite a bit with the kids on Saturday and Sunday. This should give me plenty of rest and plenty of exercise.

Well, I will keep updating this as much as I can. I look forward to showing progress and sharing my story. Tomorrow I might post a before picture and some basic starting stats to give me and you a beginning base line.

Good Day to all